While dealing with electrical equipments you should always take steps to stay safe. The
various equipments used in your aquarium like filters, lights, heaters etc work on
electricity. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity and it is easy to get a nasty, or
even lethal, electric shock if you do not follow the safety guidelines. Electricity is
however not the only safety hazard connected to aquariums. A broken aquarium can for
instance cause severe damages to your apartment. In order to prevent aquarium related
accidents, there are a few basic steps to keep in mind:
Use materials that have been specifically made for
aquariums. Even if some of them appear to be a bit expensive, it is
recommended that you go in only for equipment that has the
necessary protection to be used in water.
A power strip that has a circuit breaker built inside it is
very safe.
All wires that go into your aquarium should be
UNPLUGGED when you do any work in your aquarium.
Regularly check the equipment for any damages, burns,
leaks etc. In case of any problems, get a qualified electrician to
make the necessary repairs. It will however often be cheaper to
replace that part of the equipment with a new one.
Mixing Ammonia with bleach will produce chlorine gas so
never use bleach to clean anything in or from an operative
Get a stand that can withstand the weight of your aquarium.
Remember glass aquariums are quite heavy when you fill them up
with water. Most aquariums come with a warranty against cracking
and leaking. Check your aquarium for any signs of these before
you start setting up your aquarium. You should also check that
your home insurance covers damages that can be caused by a
broken or malfunctioning aquarium.
The aquarium is a dangerous combination for little
children. Glass, water and electricity makes it unsafe for small
kids. You should therefore keep children a safe distance away from
the aquarium, especially when you work on it.
Always wash your hands before and after working with the
aquarium. Your aquarium and its inhabitants carry a lot of debris
and microscopic organisms that are not desirable. It is also
important to keep in mind that soap and other detergents will harm
you fish, even in minute concentration. Always rinse your hands
well before putting them into your aquarium again after washing
your hands with soap.
An aquarium is a beautiful world in itself. Fish, plants, and invertebrates - all make up a
miniature seascape that is a joy to behold. Setting up an aquarium along the lines
described above is not at all difficult. I have pointed out a lot of potential problems,
safety issues etcetera in order to prepare, not discourage, you. There might be some
pitfalls on the way but those shouldn’t deter you. As you go along, you will find alternate
ways to look after your own aquarium. Trial and error and experimentation are the keys
to success and also one of the things that make fish keeping so fascinating year after year.
Do not be disheartened when a few of your fish die. It is inevitable that a beginner will
see at least a few of the fish floating dead in the aquarium. The steps, tips and procedures
described above will guide you through the different stages when setting up your own
aquarium. Always remember that looking after any pet is a job that requires dedication.
Taking care of the life of your pet is a matter of great responsibility.
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