Monday, December 15, 2008

Quarantine Aquarium

It is very advisable to have a simple quarantine aquarium. This is the aquarium in which
you will first keep your new fish. You can use this aquarium to isolate and cure diseased
fish too. In such a case, it is called a hospital aquarium. This is the aquarium in which the
fish will recuperate. A small aquarium is all that you need. There is no need to put in any
substrate. This will make the aquarium easy to manage. The quarantine aquarium also
does not need any plants. A planted aquarium is more difficult to look after. Since there
are not plants, you do not need to use a lighting system. The fish will feel more secure in
a subdued and dimly lit aquarium.
Filtration can also be kept simple. Chemical filtration, especially if it uses carbon, can
deprive your aquarium of any medications that you put inside the aquarium and should
therefore not be used. Using a power filter may disturb the ailing fish due to the water
disturbance it can cause. A single sponge filter that was kept running in the main
aquarium can be used in this aquarium. This will also transport the beneficial bacteria
into the new aquarium. It is advisable to put some kind of scenery at the back of the
aquarium as this makes the fish feel more secure and protected.
Keep all decorations to the barest minimum, though providing some simple hiding places
is advisable. A 50-100W heater will suffice for a small aquarium. Provide an air stone
that will maintain high oxygen levels in the water since some medications deplete the
oxygen content in water.
Once the fish are out of the hospital aquarium, the aquarium must be cleaned thoroughly
before it can be used again. Disinfect the aquarium using Potassium Permanganate or
Diluted Hydrochloric Acid. Leave the chemical in the aquarium for a couple of days, andthen clean and rinse the aquarium thoroughly. The aquarium is then ready to be setup
again when needed.

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