Monday, December 15, 2008

Feeding Fish

Like all living species, fish too need nutritious food. There are a number of varieties of
fish food available in the stores today. Just like mammals, different fish species require
different food types. That is why you should know your fish before you buy their food.
The feeding of fish and their nutrition is one of the most important factors in keeping
them healthy. Since fish are very diverse in their habits, there is a large diversity in their
eating patterns too. Some fish, for instance, are bottom feeders, while others are midwater
feeders or surface feeders. Some fish species will even jump out of the water to
catch insects! You will also notice that some fish enjoy eating your plants while others
enjoy eating your other fish. So, how do you find out your fish's favorite food; food that
is nutritious as well as delicious? How much should you feed them, how often should you
feed and what do you do if they do not eat? Are they just not hungry or are they showing
signs of stress? It can sometimes be very confusing to interpret the signals your fish are
giving off. As any successful aquarist will tell you, observing feeding patterns is one of
the most enjoyable as well as important steps in aquarium keeping.
Obviously, a single type of food will not be enough to meet the requirements of the fish.
That is why many of the exotic varieties of fish shouldn’t be maintained in an aquarium
by anyone but an experienced aquarist. Their native food and the varieties that they need
to survive and do well are to though for less experienced aquarists to provide. Most of the
fish that have adapted to aquarium life can be trained and habituated to eat different kinds
of food. The first step is that the fish has to be able to recognize food. Even the most
nutritious of food goes to waste if the fish does not understand that it is to be eaten. Both
instinct as well as training affects this recognition. Hunger is not the only thing that leads
a fish to food. Security as well as good health is also necessary.
Upon introduction into its new home, a fish may not take to its food right away. If your
aquarium does not resemble its natural habitat or is completely devoid of friendly objects
like plants, the fish may feel insecure. Sometimes, the temperature in your aquarium is
just not right, or the intensity of the glare coming from your lights can be too harsh.
Dimming lights a bit until the fish get used to the lights is a good idea.
Various visual and chemical clues point out the food to the fish. Once the fish has located
the food, it may taste it before it accepts the feed. Some fish may take in the food, and
regurgitate it if they feel that it is not acceptable. Predatory fish have a different kind of
feeding pattern. Generalizations about the sensory characteristics of diverse kinds of fish
will therefore not be accurate or appropriate, but here are some general traits in food that
can attract fish.

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