Monday, December 15, 2008

Conditioning the parents

After choosing the parents, you need to condition the fish so that they spawn. One of the
most effective ways to do this is to simulate their natural habitats as closely as possible.
Making certain changes in the environment will also help you to encourage the fish to
Providing the right water conditions is one of the first steps. Conditions that are as similar
to their natural habitats should be provided. Proper aquarium set-up that provides for
enough "security", hiding places and crevices is essential. The water current, lighting and
temperature should also be taken into consideration. Some fish mate only when they are
in schools. Isolating these fish will discourage spawning.
Providing the right food is the next important thing to do. The mates that have been
selected for spawning should be given food that is very high in protein. Live food seemsto be a catalyst in this process. You can feed the fish up to three times a day. Of course,
remember to clean up the aquarium after each feeding.
Some fish spawn during the rainy season. It can therefore be a good idea to simulate these
conditions in the aquarium too. This is actually a very simple procedure. Reduce the
water level in the aquarium to half the normal height. Add 5% of the aquarium volume
everyday. Add soft water that is slightly cooler that the aquarium water. A drip system or
a spray bar will help to add to the notion. During this time, fish should be fed heavily.
This process can be repeated till fish show signs of spawning. Most fish respond to the
first change in water conditions - like soft water or altered water temperature.

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