Monday, December 15, 2008

Checking the water

The water is the medium in which all your aquatic life depends. This medium has to be
kept as clean and as fresh as possible. The word “clean” does however have a special
meaning when we are discussing aquariums. A clean aquarium should for instance
contain a large amount of beneficial bacteria. This is where knowing your water
chemistry is important. The pH level of the water, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate levels,
Oxygen levels etc need to be kept just right. The water may become cloudy if it is not
kept clean. It can also start giving out an odor and there may be a collection of foam at
the top of the aquarium. This foam usually contains waste materials and bacteria. The
temperature of the water has to be checked regularly. There are some fish that cannot
survive in cooler temperatures and may start showing signs of stress. So, the thermometer
readings of your aquariums need to be taken on a daily basis.

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