Monday, December 15, 2008

Aquarium Maintenance

Once you have got your aquarium all set up and running beautifully, you can sit back and
enjoy the view. Well, not exactly sit back. There's maintenance work to be done! The
good thing about maintenance work is that if it is done on a frequent basis it is relatively
simple and quick. If steps are not taken in time, maintenance can instead turn into a
dreaded chore. Before we go into the details, it is important to understand why it is
necessary to give regular care to your aquarium and its occupants.
Your aquarium being a thriving ecosystem generates a lot of waste and toxic materials in
the normal course of its day-to-day operation. The fish give out ammonia and solid fish
wastes that collect in the aquarium. The plants will also generate waste products and
growing plants will need to be pruned, cleaned and replanted. A minimal amount of algal
growth is unavoidable in any functional aquarium. Microscopic organisms will build up
in the water over a period of time. If you are keeping any invertebrates in your aquarium,
these will also need special care. The substrate in your aquarium is like a garbage bin that
collects all the material wastes. And like any garbage left unclean for a period of time,
this will begin to fester and give out infection causing germs. The water in the aquarium
is regularly getting depleted of vital nutrients. It is also collecting a lot of diluted waste
that needs to be thrown out. It is therefore vital to clean and replenish your aquarium
regularly to keep your aquarium in good health.
Here is a basic outline of what you need to do on a periodic basis.

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